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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Dan & Brittany Barr
The Barrs are grateful to have had the opportunity to serve the missionary kids of Davao City, Philippines at Faith International Academy. To serve...
Rick & Terri Herr
Since 2000, Rick and Terri have been serving at the JAARS Center in Waxhaw, NC. Previously they ministered for 20 years in Colombia, South America....
Jim & Sarah Park
Jim and Sarah have worked for more than 25 years with Wycliffe, serving in Burkina Faso, Niger, and Cameroon. In 2018, they moved to Central...
Russ Cooper
The Coopers became members of Wycliffe in 1981, and have worked with the Buhutu people of Papua New Guinea [PNG] since 1985. Mary passed away in...
Kari Brizendine
Kari is serving with Wycliffe as a Vernacular Media Specialist. As a part of the Scripture Access Team, she helps facilitate Scripture access and...
Alex & Laura Crum
In 2008, the Lord called the Crums to serve in the development of language technologies that serve translation projects worldwide. These...
Daniel & Arlene Bauman
Dan and Arlene served in Papua New Guinea (PNG) since 1990 and now work remotely from the US. Dan provides IT support, readies scripture recordings...
Wayne and Elena Leman
The Grand Canyon Havasupai New Testament can now be published since Wayne did the final checks. He’s checking Scripture books for a Mayan language...
Paul Huey
Paul felt a call to missions at age 13 while living in Venezuela. During college he learned about Wycliffe and how there were millions of people...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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