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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Timothy & Rdeen Phillips
The Phillips family is serving in a country with over 100 languages. Timothy's main contribution is as Director for the branch where they serve,...
Bryan & Rachel Smith
Bryan and Rachel first served in Tanzania as language surveyors assessing the language situation in different areas of the country through...
Nora McNamara
Many missionaries think that it's too difficult if not impossible for them to learn a new language. Nora helps missionaries learn a new language...
Drew & Jenny Williams
Drew and Jenny are excited to have the opportunity to be a part of sharing the encouragement, hope, and transformational power of the Word through...
Bill & Kerry Bremmer
The Bremmers live near Washington DC supporting Bible translation by working on behalf of minority people groups who still have no Scripture in...
Clay & Bev Strom
Clay and Bev have been translators for the Letuama/Tanimuka people of the Northern Amazon basin of Colombia since 1982. Most of the goals for...
Jim & Sue Ness
Africa, Americas
Jim and Sue Ness joined Wycliffe in 1980, and went to Kenya with their two young children in 1982. They were seconded to the Kenyan organization...
Brian & Rachel Parker
Brian and Rachel are part of a team in the Central African Republic (CAR) that supports national Bible translation in more than a dozen languages....
Kevin & Jann Bradford
Kevin and Jann were both trained as linguists with Wycliffe. Jann has worked on several languages in Cameroon, as well as serving in other roles as...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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