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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Chris and Jeanette Sheeran
Chris and Jeanette have served in information technology and teaching roles in Guatemala and in the U.S.. Chris currently serves as part of...
Megan Reed
Megan is a registered nurse with a passion to see the Bibleless people of the world come to know Christ and walk as His faithful disciples through...
Russ & Lynda Hersman
We live in a historic time of the greatest acceleration of Bible translation ever. Since 1999 we have watched the number of Bible translation needs...
Sauder, Rachel
Rachel Sauder is heading to Papua New Guinea to serve as a Translation Technician with Wycliffe. She has just graduated from Moody Bible Institute,...
Joe & Alice Parker
Joe and Alice have been Wycliffe members, serving at the the JAARS Center since 2003, and are now retired. We invite you to pray for them in this...
Steve & Sharon Hawkins
Steve and Sharon Hawkins have been serving in Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea (PNG) since July 2017. After 22 years of teaching, Steve took a sabbatical...
Keyton, Jordan and Lauren
During their years growing up, Jordan and Lauren saw the Lord working in their lives and the lives of others through the Gospel. Jordan had...
Chip & Kathy Sanders
The Sanders have been serving with SIL (Wycliffe USA's main partner organization for fieldwork) since 1999, first in Southeast Asia and now in...
Matt and Ada Gray
Matt arrived in Mexico in February 2019. In January 2021, he married Ada Rázuri, a Peruvian Bible Translator also working in Mexico. He then...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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