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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Beverly Mosley
Beverly works with the Onobasulu people of Papua New Guinea. The Onobasulu people are first and second generation Christians. They are excited...
Doug and Jo Haag
Doug and Jo became members of Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1995. They both served in supportive roles in Papua New Guinea ’97 to 2000. Doug was a...
George & Val Shultz
As the SIL Corporation Secretary, George is the official record keeper of the organization and he helps the Board of Directors to do their work...
Sam & Deb Smucker
What would you know about God if you could only tell stories? A lot! The Bible is one long story that shares God's plan, who He is, and who we...
Helen Lai
Wycliffe Bible Translators is dedicated to translating and delivering Scripture to people around the world in a language & form (Scripture app,...
Luke & Molly Verhagen
Luke and Molly will begin their journey with Wycliffe by heading overseas to Papua New Guinea. There, Molly will engage in Ethnoarts and Trauma...
Luke & Marjan Aubrey
Luke and Marjan Aubrey serve in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe. They work closely with a team of national Bible teachers in what is known as the...
Steve & Kathryn Christensen
Americas, Pacific
Steve & Kathryn served in Papua New Guinea 1991-2004 and helped the Yongkom people translate the New Testament and develop a literacy program. They...
Josh and Katie Eicholtz
Josh and Katie Eicholtz are serving in Papua New Guinea where there are over 840 language groups. Josh is an instructor pilot and mechanic...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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