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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Glen & Ellen Mast
Developing and building leaders was seen as second only to prayer in seeing Wycliffe’s Vision 2025 become a reality. Leadership is key as we both...
Al & Carole Meehan
Africa, Eurasia, Europe, Pacific, South Asia, Southeast Asia
The Meehans are in their 54th year of ministry with Wycliffe. They are thankful to the Lord for leading people like yourself to partner with them...
Dale & Carole Hoskins
Dale is privileged to serve Bible translation projects in Nigeria and East Africa. He provides training and works to ensure their translation is...
Nate & Valerie Bunting
Nathan and Valerie are located in Orlando, FL. Nathan provides administrative oversight for missionary kid care and education; care for Wycliffe...
Marvin & Suzanne Beachy
As a child Marvin felt called to missions, but did not see himself as a pastor or preacher. As a teenager, he read the book, Peace Child, and...
Paul & Laura Dokken
Americas, Pacific
After Paul and Laura learned of the need for software developers in missions, they felt called by God to join Wycliffe Bible Translators. In 2008...
Sally Thompson
Sally cannot imagine her life without the precious gift of God’s Word and wants to ensure others have the opportunity to experience the same...
Barry & Suzzanne Nichol
Barry and Suzzanne first served for eleven years in Kenya before serving in the United States. Suzzanne is serving as a homemaker taking care of...
Larry & Connie Lovell
In 1986 the Lovells began working with speakers of the Minaveha language whose villages are distributed along the coast of the Kukuya Peninsula of...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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