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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Amy Schammert
Amy is a passionate advocate for caring for missionary kids and their families. She serves Wycliffe USA from their Orlando office where she...
Andy and Sylvia Grosh
Andy and Sylvia have worked in Papua New Guinea since 1989. Together with a team of Kaluli people, they are working to translate the Scriptures...
Chuck & Carole Fennig
Chuck and Carole have been in Wycliffe for over 38 years. They started out in linguistic and translation-related work overseas in New Caledonia, in...
Toby Kline
Toby is a graduate of Elizabethtown College (PA) and has worked in a non-profit for many years before joining Wycliffe. She has been with Wycliffe...
Doug and Priscilla Higby
Doug and Priscilla were privileged to take part in the translation of the Fulfulde New Testament which was dedicated in 2006. During that process...
Daniel & Rachael Stoner
Africa, Americas
Dan and Rachael desire to see the Gospel reach Faster and Farther through Bible translation! Dan serves at the JAARS Center in the Aviation...
Rob & Betsy Bradshaw
Rob serves in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as a linguistics consultant and as translation advisor to the Doromu-Koki language program of Central...
Andrew & Crystal Good
The Good family is supporting the work of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea (PNG) through Andrew’s position as Utilities Section Head in...
Tom & Mary Beekman
Tom and Mary worked in southeast Asia for 22 years. Tom is a pilot/mechanic. They currently work at the JAARS Center in Waxhaw, NC. Tom...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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