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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Andrew Wheaton & Kelly Pastene
Since 2013, Andrew and Kelly have been serving together to strategically support Bible translation projects with Wycliffe Bible Translators...
Darrel & Cheryl Eppler
Darrel and Cheryl share Wycliffe's vision that God’s Word is accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their heart. They long to see...
Jeff & Judy Heath
Jeff and Judy have been working in Chad (central Africa) since 1998. Judy was part of a translation team translating the Bible into a major...
Chuck and Christine Daly
Chuck and Chris have served in Papua New Guinea, Cameroon, Peru, and North Carolina. Chuck has worked in a variety of aviation and leadership...
Jonathan & Kathy Wilson
The Binandere are a language group of approximately 10,000 people who inhabit villages along the banks of three major rivers in Oro Province, Papua...
Waller & Mary Tabb
Waller & Mary joined Wycliffe in 1988. Waller served by assisting translation and language development in the Lubwisi language of Uganda. Mary...
Matt & Chelsea Connor
Matt and Chelsea train and encourage songwriters, Bible translators, pastors, artists, and counselors in Papua and throughout Indonesia to bring...
Bill Penning
Would you like to have to learn Russian, or Chinese, or Swahili or some other language in order to read about God's plan for salvation? Just as...
Susan Steele
Susan’s wealth of experience in all types of roles, from classroom teacher to administrator to teacher coach and accreditation leader have allowed...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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