Praying for Benin and the Tofinu
A look at this region and how to pray for its people.

About the size of Pennsylvania, Benin is home to 55 different languages and about 42 different ethnic groups. French is the official language, while Fon and Yoruba are the most important indigenous languages in the south. According to The World Factbook,* “poverty, unemployment, increased living costs and dwindling resources increasingly drive the Beninese to migrate. An estimated 4.4 million, more than 30%, of Beninese live abroad. Virtually all Beninese emigrants move to West African countries, particularly Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire.”
Tofin Scripture is spreading across the borders of Benin. In Nigeria, when a Tofinu (which is what people who speak the Tofin language are called) pastor named Adan read God’s Word in his own language, he was amazed by its clarity and power.
His sermons and Bible studies gained new strength once he read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke in Tofin. Now, more eyes light up as he teaches directly from God’s Word, making him excited to see more of the New Testament translated. And as more of God’s Word is translated, pastors anticipate change among their community as people grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
The Tofinu translation team has a variety of goals. They want to publish 21 New Testament books in print and audio formats, and dub the “JESUS” film, which is based on the Gospel of Luke. They also want to train literacy teachers and establish 10 literacy classes, as well as hold Scripture engagement workshops for community members.

So far, the Tofinu team has published four of the New Testament books and made progress on seven others. They’ve also finalized the script of the “JESUS” film and launched more than 10 literacy classes, which now serve over 270 students!
In addition to strengthening the faith of Tofinu people, translated Scripture is also helping to develop their language as it inspires more people to learn to read. The chairman of the local Tofin association said: “We bless the Lord for all He has done for the Tofinu people through the support of Wycliffe and its partners in translating the Word of God into our language.”
As translation work continues, Tofinu Christians are looking forward to gaining access to more of the Bible’s teachings. The Christians may be spread across different countries, but what can unite them all is the transformation that comes from experiencing God’s Word in their language. Praise God!
Prayer points:
- That God would keep team members healthy as they carry out their work.
- Wisdom for the team as they share the gospel in a variety of written and audio formats.
- Praise: Churches have provided space for translation team meetings and workshops, and many congregants are participating in project activities!
God is doing amazing things around the world, and you can be a part of seeing people encounter Him through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. Join the work by praying with us!