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Bible Translation, First Scripture

Praying for Mexico and the Soyaltepec People

A look at this region and how to pray for its people.
Feb 1, 2022
young boy and girl

Mexico has a long history of conquest — of territory, religion and language. For over 3,000 years before Europeans arrived and the land became a colony of Spain, many great civilizations flourished. Ruins, temples, pyramids and artifacts provide physical evidence of the Olmec, Maya, Zapotec, Aztec and other early communities across Mexico.

Because of its rich history, Mexico is infused with culture and diversity. But for almost 500 years, Mexico’s local languages were marginalized and considered inferior to Spanish. It wasn’t until 2003 that a law passed and the country recognized 68 languages, including 63 local languages like Soyaltepec.

The majority of the Soyaltepec population identify as Christian, but some local churches are in decline. Because Scripture didn’t exist in the Soyaltepec language until last year, many believers struggled to understand what it meant to follow Jesus.

Thanks to the work of a local team, the Soyaltepec people now have the book of James in their language. The team is currently working on translating the four Gospels. They will also produce resources for children and dub the “JESUS” film.

“The pastors were really excited about starting a translation project,” an adviser on the project said. “They expect the translation will enable people to understand the Word of God more profoundly, truly understanding who Jesus is and the significance of his life on earth.”

Prayer points:

  • Strength and direction for the translators as they share God’s Word in the community.

  • That God will touch hearts through Soyaltepec Scripture.

  • For peace in the region and an end to civil unrest.

God is doing amazing things around the world, and you can be a part of seeing people encounter Him through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand. Join the work by praying with us!

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