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Praying for Papua New Guinea and the Northeast Cluster

A look at this region and how to pray for its people.
Jan 15, 2024
Northeast Cluster group earned software training certificate
Some Northeast Cluster group members earned software training certificates.

Papua New Guinea remains one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse nations in the world. With more than 800 languages spoken across the islands, Papua New Guinea has one of the highest remaining needs for Bible translation work. But God is on the move among people groups throughout the country in groups just like the Northeast Cluster.

Historically, the four Northeast Cluster people groups — which consist of the Borong, Dedua, Iyo and Somba-Siawari — in Papua New Guinea didn’t get along. However, during a previous Bible translation project, they decided to collaborate to produce some Old Testament Scripture in their languages. Now they’ve chosen to collaborate once again! “This fact alone makes this project exceptional,” a project facilitator said. “There is good evidence these groups have worked well together.”

Papua New Guniea Norther Cluster team recording the Look, Listen and Live series in Borong.

The improved relationships between the translation teams isn’t the only change that recent Bible translation efforts brought. While previously Christians had to rely on God’s Word in Tok Pisin — a trade language — to access Old Testament teachings, now they’re beginning to experience that Scripture in their own languages. As a result, many people are growing in knowledge of the Lord.

On one occasion, a team member was translating Lamentations 3:22 into Dedua. The verse reads: “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease …” (NLT). That verse filled the team member with thankfulness for God’s character and helped him better understand the Lord’s relationship with those who follow Him.

A project facilitator noted: “The Old Testament in their own [Northeast Cluster] languages will allow them to see and understand their entire lives from God's perspective.”

Praise God: All of the teams are making progress on their translation work! In the Borong language, the team drafted Psalms and is working on 1 Samuel. The Book of Joshua is being checked by the consultant. The Dedua team, meanwhile, has made progress on Isaiah and Jeremiah. While waiting for an adviser to check some passages, they have done extra work by drafting Ezekiel 1-34.

Iyo translators have made progress on Psalms, Daniel, Obadiah, Jonah and Habakkuk. An adviser is checking portions of Psalms. In Somba-Siawari, the team has worked on four of their planned books. They have also done a lot of work on other unplanned books like Numbers, Song of Solomon, Micah and Zechariah.

Papua New Guniea Northeast Cluster working on translation of the Look Listen and Live series
Northeast Cluster team members work on translation of the “Look, Listen and Live,” series.

All of the teams have translated “Look, Listen and Live,” an eight-book series of Bible stories for youth. Five hundred copies for each language were printed at the end of 2022. The material will also be available in audio format, which will help to reach an adult audience as well. The teams are also endeavoring to produce a biblical concordance in each language so people can easily navigate the Scripture they have and understand key terms.

Praise God for the way He is transforming people in Papua New Guinea and around the world through His Word!

Prayer points:

  • For people to continue to engage with God’s Word in their own language individually, in their homes and in churches.

  • That additional Scripture engagement activities will touch the hearts of people from every language in the Northeast Cluster.

  • Praise: All of the teams in the Northeast Cluster are making progress on their work!

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