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Bible Translation

God Is Transforming the Birao and Guley Through Bible Translation

Oct 3, 2024
Africa Chad Tomako Cluster Project field coordinator seated with open Bible

God is advancing the Great Commission around the world as He works through Bible translation to bring people His Word in a language and format they clearly understand. You can participate in this Kingdom work through your prayers, gifts, advocacy and service. One way to support Bible translation is through Wycliffe’s 2024 Gift Catalog. Your support will help us continue to say “yes” when churches and communities ask for our help with translating Scripture.

Here are a couple of stories from communities represented in the 2024 Gift Catalog.

Understanding the Value of Scripture in Their Language

Birao is one of the 11 languages within the Tomako Cluster in the Solomon Islands. The Birao people were encouraged after engaging with Scripture translated into Solomon Islands Pijin — a language of wider communication in the country.

Though Birao is the language closest to their hearts, many villagers can comprehend Pijin more clearly than English. Few had interacted with the Pijin Bible before, so they were amazed by how much more they could understand it compared to the English translations they were using.

Now community members are hungering for Scripture in their language.

God Is Working Through the Birao Team

Several Birao speakers are now training to join the Bible translation staff. One potential person was considered for translation training, but the team has identified other valuable skills he can use to better serve the cause. He is projected to help with Scripture engagement, translation awareness efforts and more — a clear example that the Lord uses each person’s skills to accomplish His work.

Pacific Solomon Islands - Tomako Cluster working translation team
A translation team within the Tomako Cluster project.

God also worked in a different way to accomplish His purposes recently when a community member stole money from a project adviser. Villagers expressed disdain for the thief, but the Birao team used this as an opportunity to practice forgiveness.

The community could clearly see the team’s Christian values rooted in Scripture. Each day, the staff move another step closer to distributing the translated Word among their people. Your gift helps meet first Scripture needs in these 11 communities.

Indescribable Joy

A pastor named Clément of the Guley people in Chad experienced “indescribable joy” when he first received the New Testament in his language.

Before its publication, Clement had to depend on Bible translations in French and another local language called Ngambay whenever he preached or led small-group studies. While both are widely spoken in the region, the Guley people don’t know these languages as well as their own.

As a result, many people — even church leaders like Clément — struggled to grasp the teachings of Scripture.

God’s Word in Guley Is Providing Clarity

But all that changed once the Guley New Testament became available.

“I had been trying to get across some ideas which were difficult to translate,” Pastor Clément said.

Now Guley Christians are eager to have the complete Bible in their language. Translating the Old Testament will, as Pastor Clément put it, allow the community to “benefit from the marvels of the Word of God.”

Gulay-May translation team presentation of new equipment
The Guley team is presented with new equipment.

Only 10% of the Guley population identify as Christians. Some people adhere to another major world religion, but most follow a traditional religion in which they worship multiple gods. These beliefs and practices dominate most aspects of daily life in the Guley community.

After project leaders identified the pressing issues that the Guley community faces and considered possible solutions, they reached the consensus that Scripture is the key. A project coordinator said:

“And … in order for it to be well understood, it has to be translated into the heart language.” Old Testament portions will shed light on the one true God’s character and attributes, and give a fuller picture of His redemptive plan for humanity.

Guley church leaders also believe that having the full counsel of God’s Word will be key in helping the community address widespread practices of idolatry as well as social issues. Your gift will help the Guley people complete their Bible.

Please prayerfully consider how you can support Bible translation in the Pacific, Africa or in one of the other global regions represented in the 2024 Gift Catalog.

Explore the Wycliffe Gift Catalog to see how you can help bring God’s Word to the Birao, Guley and other communities. Your support can transform lives through Bible translation!

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