God Is Using Translated Scripture to Transform Lives in Togo

Wycliffe and our global partners are catalysts in the Bible translation movement, helping to bring God’s Word to people in the languages and formats they clearly understand. Today the global Church is taking the translation lead in many communities, including in the Kwi Cluster of Togo. You can support Bible translation in this three-language cluster project during this year’s Giving Tuesday, which takes place on Dec. 3.
The Kwi Cluster is made up of the Idaaca, Kpeci and Woatsi communities; together they represent nearly 1 million people who are still waiting for the full counsel of God’s Word.
A Day at the Salon
One story from the Woatsi community captures God’s life-changing activity in this community. A translation team visited a local hair salon and, despite the location, the staff weren’t there for haircuts or relaxation. They were there to share some of their translation work — an audio recording of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in their own language.

As the salon workers listened to Jesus’ teaching on God’s love and offer of redemption, they were stunned by how different the message felt in Woatsi. After playing the audio clip, the team members asked the listeners some questions about the passage’s accuracy, clarity and naturalness. This prompted heartfelt discussions on the gospel message, which resulted in the group members each sharing their perspectives on Christ.
Some hairdressers became so passionate about worshipping the Lord that they joined a church! They said:
“It’s a joy for us to learn the Bible stories in Woatsi. They touch us deeply and lead us to give our lives to Christ.”
The women continued: “We’ve already heard this story in French, Ewe and many other [languages], but it had no effect on us. Thank you for this initiative; we are proud that the Word of God is available to us in our language.”
Many in the community have echoed these sentiments as the team shares more translated passages. The staff are encouraged by this and are eager to see more stories of transformation as they complete the Gospel of Luke for their people.
Future Impact
This experience is not unique: The translation teams in the Kwi Cluster have witnessed more lives change as people encounter the gospel in their language. Churches are growing, and the hunger for God’s Word is intensifying.

To accomplish this, the Kwi Cluster has ambitious goals for the next three years, including completing the oral translations of the Gospels of Mark and John, the Book of Acts, Philippians, 1-2 Timothy and 1-3 John.
Additionally, the project will provide written transcriptions of these oral translations, set up Scripture listening groups and produce the “JESUS” film. These initiatives are designed to address the social issues that the three communities are facing.
Your support is vital to the success of this project. On this year’s Giving Tuesday, you have the opportunity to join in God’s transformative work in Togo by helping bring more Scripture to people in the Kwi Cluster. Your partnership will help lives change through the power of God’s Word.
Learn more about how you can support Bible translation efforts in the Kwi Cluster. Visit wycliffe.org/givingtuesday on Dec. 3 to give.