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Bible Translation

Let the Fire Burn!

Apr 14, 2016
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In 1983, Mack and Doris and their family had settled among the Kandawo people in Papua New Guinea and begun to learn their language. Optimistic about the future for this new translation project, the Grahams were blissfully unaware of the trials and difficulties they were about to encounter.

Soon they experienced fierce opposition. While away from the village for a season, thieves broke into their home, completely vandalizing it.

Discouraged but determined to continue their work, the Grahams built again. But this time, the entire home was dismantled and stolen, piece by piece.

“What should we do?” Mack and Doris asked themselves. They knew that hardships often happened to those who were working to bring God’s Word to a people, but to have their house destroyed twice? Maybe God was trying to say something to them.

They stopped to pray, asking God a simple question: Should they try again, or was he closing the door? Could this be God’s way of leading them in a new direction?

As they prayed, a colleague had a vision of small fires burning across the landscape. Maybe God was saying there was going to be revival among the people, and that fires were going to be lit in the hearts of those hungry for him.

Mack and Doris decided to ask God to show them that he wanted them to return by providing other confirmation before a certain date. If the people asked them to return by that date, they would. But if not, it was over. They would leave their village home in Kandawo and go wherever God led.

The day finally arrived. Afternoon went by, then evening, but still no word. Mack and Doris began to think that God was showing them that the door was being shut, and maybe they weren’t supposed to return to their village home.

Then, six hours before midnight, a letter was read over a two-way radio: “Would you please come back?”

Mack and Doris knew in that moment that God had answered their prayers and was confirming that they should return to the village. So they did! They built yet another house. Later they watched in shock as this third house burned to the ground.

But instead of losing hope or admitting defeat, the Graham family built a fourth house. Believing that God had clearly spoken to them about continuing their work among the Kandawo people, they continued to trust him by placing this new house in his hands as well.

They gave many more years, translating and ministering to the Kandawo people. There were moments of toil mingled with moments of triumph, but they stayed the course, trusting that God would work in his timing and way.

More than two decades ago, Mark’s Gospel — the first book to be translated — reached the final stages of the translation process and was checked by a consultant. At the beginning of 2013, the same consultant checked the final book of the New Testament — Revelation!

Although the journey was long and filled with many difficulties, Mack and Doris walked with God and trusted that he would help them bring his Word to the Kandawo people in the language they understand best. They relied on deep conviction that God had sent them to translate his Word and on the promise he made about his Word in Isaiah 55:11: “It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”

And on April 15, 2015, after years of challenges, the New Testament was finally delivered to the Kandawo people!

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