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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
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The Best Gift You Can Give Your Missionary Friends This Holiday Season
Serve in Missions
As a partner, a person who’s obeying God and investing in his work, the best gift you can give your missionary friends this holiday season...
What Your Missionary Friends Are Most Grateful For
Serve in Missions
Your missionary friends live with a keen awareness of the deficiencies in their own strength, abilities and resources. Learn why they’re...
Relational Prayer: Talking With God as His Friend
Is prayer transactional or relational? Explore the journey and transformative power of prayer through friendship with God.
Praying for Indonesia and the Minahasa Cluster
Bible Translation
Two languages in the Minahasa Cluster don’t have any Scripture in their language.
Blessed to Persevere
Even though Bennett has experienced mourning, today he and the Baka people experience God's comfort through the Scriptures in their language.
5 Common Misconceptions About Financial Partnership
Generosity, Local Church Partnership
Life on a faith-based salary is not as intimidating as it might first appear. Learn about some common misconceptions and how to reframe...
Transformational Development: Meeting Community Needs Holistically
Scripture Engagement
Transformational development meets the spiritual, physical, economic and social needs of a language community.
A Seamless Transition From the Military to Missions
Serve in Missions
"Military people are uniquely trained to move into missions and make the transition well,” says Robyn Crabtree. “If you’ve done...

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