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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


Giving Words of Comfort
As a songwriter, Jessica Connelly knows the power of words … . That’s why she loves the Bible — God’s...
5 Ways to Welcome Your Missionary Friends Home
Serve in Missions
Whether your missionary friends are returning to the U.S. for a short time or taking a Stateside assignment, you can help ease their transition...
5 Ways Your Military Experience Equips You for Missions
Serve in Missions
Did you realize that God can use your military background in the global Bible translation movement?
Sharing Hope Through Vernacular Media
Bible Translation
“What does this recording mean to you?” Nathanael Gregoriev asked a group of translators in a remote village in Cameroon.
God’s Hand of Blessing
From an early age, Misriani Balle felt God calling her to do something significant with her life. She was one of only two students in her senior...
Not Just Passing Through: A Conversation With Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
Author and speaker Natasha Sistrunk Robinson wants every step she takes throughout her life to leave an imprint of truth and love.
How to Find God in Your Questions
Scripture Engagement
What questions are you asking God as you look at your past, present and future? Learn how to lean into these questions — even when you...
Feast or Crumbs
Faced with the knowledge that there are still people who can’t understand the Bible because it is not in their own language, George Cowan...
Praying for Kenya and the Tugen People
Bible Translation, Prayer
Praise God that the Tugen already have some portions of Scripture available in their language, and now translators are working to bring them even...

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