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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


Sacred Ruin: When God Works Through Loss
God sometimes allows things that feel sacred to be ruined to make room for a bigger, better story.
A Lifelong Passion for Sharing Scripture
In times of great joy or deep sorrow, God’s words in Scripture have reminded Jan Kennedy Ferguson that He is with her and guiding her.
5 Good Questions to Ask Your Missionary Friends
Serve in Missions
As a partner in the work of Wycliffe, you have the opportunity to minister to your missionary friends in a way you may have never considered: you...
What Are You Waiting On?
The psalmist David frequently experienced times of waiting, but the way he waited transformed him — and it can change you too.
A New Strategy: Empowering Local Leaders in Tanzania
Bible Translation
Through the Lugha Zinazobaki project, you can lay the foundation for bringing the hope of the gospel to others.
The Now Victory in This Not-Yet Season
The night that Jesus was born was dark. Injustice and oppression was still great, but the newborn King’s triumph was already secured. In a...
Unlikely Heroes: The Women of Matthew 1
Jesus came from a family filled with unlikely people, including outcasts and harlots. Through this, Jesus tells us that he celebrates and loves the...
Overcoming 6 Common Concerns of Serving in Missions
Serve in Missions
If you have fears or worries about serving in Bible translation, you’re not alone! Our recruiters have experienced the same thing. Meet a...
The Impact of Prayer
Discover how Bible translation is impacting Indonesia!

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