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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


Faithful in Uncertainty
I will never read the story of the flood account in Genesis 7-8 the same again. Over the past several weeks of sheltering in place, I feel as if I...
The Trip of Her Dreams
Patrick “Pat” Murphy is the first to admit that he wasn’t always on board with giving to missions. His wife, Darcee, was the one...
Following a Wild God: A Conversation with Leslie Leyland Fields
God doesn't often do what we think he should. That's something Leslie Leyland Fields knows pretty well from personal experience. In her insightful...
The Weight of Grace
What does it look like to receive grace upon grace? Paul presented a stunning picture of God’s layer-by-layer grace in Ephesians 1...
How to Love Your Missionary Well in Hard Times
Serve in Missions
When your missionary faces difficulties and discouragement, your response can make a world of difference. Here are three practical ways you can...
Translation and Technology
Technology and Translation
When John and Bonnie Nystrom first started translating in 1990 for the Arop language of Papua New Guinea, they used a simple laptop to type up...
Celebrating the Huaylas Quechua Bible!
Bible Translation, Prayer
Throughout the Huaylas Quechua Bible translation process, God transformed the lives of local translators and revealed his love and power to them...
Prayer Reunion
After more than 30 years of praying, Jeff and Debbie saw tangible answers to their prayers when they attended the Huaylas Quechua Bible dedication...
Seeing God
Bible Translation, Serve in Missions
Explore how God is working in Tanzania through Bible translation.

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