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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


God in All Things: A Conversation With Ruth Chou Simons
Artist and author Ruth Chou Simons sees God’s hand in everything, from the details of creation to her own humbling mistakes.
Empower Women in Kenya to Worship and Grow
Generosity, Scripture Engagement, Women
Translating women’s discipleship materials means that those who often feel overlooked will know that God sees, knows and loves them.
A Changed Perspective
Sign Language
Jamal, a follower of the majority religion, didn’t always see eye to eye with his Christian friends. But despite their differences, they...
5 Meaningful Ways to Encourage Your Missionary
Serve in Missions
We created an article highlighting five meaningful ways to encourage your missionary — with examples sent in by missionary supporters!
Mind, Body and Soul: A Conversation About Mental Health
Mental and emotional struggles are prevalent, even among followers of Jesus. Wycliffe counselor Karen DeGraaf shares practical ways we can care...
A Call to Community
When Nate and Ivy moved to Southeast Asia with their two young children, they knew that adjusting to a new life and home would be difficult. See...
A Vast Crowd
The book of Revelation gives us an incredible picture of what heaven is going to look like: “After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to...
When Weakness Stays: One Missionary’s Unexpected Journey
Serve in Missions
Catherine learned firsthand that God works through our weaknesses when he shook up her plans for serving in Bible translation.
The Book of Ruth Touched Jestina's Heart
Scripture Access, Sign Language
When God’s Word comes to people in a language that they dream and pray in, it changes their hearts and lives.

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