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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


Strengthened by God’s Word
When Bob and Nancy Weber began work with the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island, the language was primarily oral, with no alphabet or writing...
Show Up: A Call to Engagement
Choosing to engage with people or service opportunities isn't always easy. What does it look like to show up, even when we don't know what will...
God’s Word to Their Hearts
God often reveals himself to us through his written Word. But throughout Kenya, people don’t have access to Scripture. They found that they...
Look Beyond: A Call to Worship
People are made to worship, to be caught up and drawn in by something. What does it look like when we thirst after God and worship him?
A Book of Wisdom
The Bible is crucial for evangelism, but literacy is crucial for discipleship. Learn how both have transformed the Ifè people in Africa!
Be Owned: A Call to Holiness
Holiness can’t be attained by practice or force of will because it’s not about simply being good; it’s about being owned. Learn...
What Thai Teaches Us About Relationship with God
Scripture Production
The nuances found in other languages can often teach us much about what a relationship with God is really like.
The Quechua Church Transformed
Local Church Partnership, Scripture Engagement
Met three Quechua pastors from different parts of Peru and learn about their ministries.
Scripture for the Roma
Pray that the Roma people across Romania would hear about the love of God in their own language and learn that he values them so much he sent his...

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