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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


If I Had Something to Give
The Keliko, originally from South Sudan, are refugees in Uganda who give everything back to the Lord as an offering. Read what we can learn from...
Broken Prayer: Talking With God as His Child
Prayer, Women
Prayer and brokenness have been entangled ever since Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden. How can we learn to pray to God in the face...
Confident Prayer: Talking With God as His Ambassador
Prayer, Women
What does it look like to pray to God as his ambassador and to ask for something in Jesus' name? Explore what it looks like to engage in confident...
Discipling the Next Generation
Serve in Missions
Donna Smith smiled as she thought about working for the last 16 years at Ukarumpa International School in Papua New Guinea. “It has small...
Strengthened by God’s Word
When Bob and Nancy Weber began work with the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island, the language was primarily oral, with no alphabet or writing...
Show Up: A Call to Engagement
Choosing to engage with people or service opportunities isn't always easy. What does it look like to show up, even when we don't know what will...
God’s Word to Their Hearts
God often reveals himself to us through his written Word. But throughout Kenya, people don’t have access to Scripture. They found that they...
Look Beyond: A Call to Worship
People are made to worship, to be caught up and drawn in by something. What does it look like when we thirst after God and worship him?
A Book of Wisdom
The Bible is crucial for evangelism, but literacy is crucial for discipleship. Learn how both have transformed the Ifè people in Africa!

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