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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Bud & Barbara Speck
Bud serves Wycliffe organizations in Europe as a Communications Liaison. After being in Wycliffe for 42 years now, initially joining the...
Ricky Kroeger
Ricky is preparing for his first assignment as a linguist/ translator working for the Bibleless people groups of Mexico. He is looking forward to...
Alan & Amanda Halbrooks
Alan and Amanda Halbrooks work as missionary teachers at Ukarumpa International School in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. They have three sons:...
Stan and Patty Gibson
Stan and Patty are serving as translators with the Bwaidoka people of Papua New Guinea. They are very happy to be partnering with God in...
Brooke Bateman
Brooke Bateman's first language was Sign Language. God blessed her with Deaf parents and culture. She came to truly know the deep love and power of...
Cliff Christopher
This role as a missionary teacher is not unique to Bible translation but instead fulfills the need of any missionary with a child. Missionary kids...
Dave Stadt
Dear friend, Thank you for considering partnering financially in Dave's Wycliffe ministry. Dave works in software development, troubleshooting...
Donna Smith
Donna left Alaska for Papua New Guinea in 2003, where she teaches missionary kids at Ukarumpa International School. She loves that at a small...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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