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Missionaries serving around
the world

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Bob & Nancy Haussler
Bob and Nancy Haussler have served in a variety of roles in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. They are currently serving at the JAARS...
Matt & Kiara Cousins
Matt and Kiara, along with their five children, are thrilled to pursue God’s calling in full time missions! After a civilian career with the U.S....
Larry and Bonnie Waswick
The vision of accelerating Bible translation led the Waswicks to use their skills in bringing scripture to the waiting language groups sooner,...
Parke, Lynnelle and Henry Brown
Parke Brown serves as a web project manager with The Seed Company, a member organization of Wycliffe Bible Translators. His role is to support the...
Paul & Sharon Bowers
Papua New Guinea has approximately 250 language groups who do not have a single verse of scripture! Paul and Sharon have supported the work of...
Tom & Bev Woodward
Tom and Bev have worked with Wycliffe and SIL for 30 years, serving in Thailand, SIL's headquarters in Dallas, and now in the Americas. They...
Tim & Tara Ellis
There are 7388 known living languages in the world. Over 128 million people, using 1680 different languages are waiting to for initial Bible...
Scott & Vicky Satre
Africa, Americas
The Satres worked for 30 years in Cameroon, primarily serving the Ngomba community. The Ngomba NT was published in 2018. They also helped the local...
Alan & Lynée Ward
Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Pacific
Bible translators are aided in their work by computers. However, the multitude of alphabets in the world do pose technical challenges. The problem...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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