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Missionaries serving around
the world

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John & Gweni Hetzel
John and Gweni are supporting Bible translation in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. John’s background as a sonar technician and plumber...
B.J. & Kristene Diggins
B.J. & Kris served over 8 years in Brazil supporting the work of Bible Translation. B.J. served as a pilot/mechanic flying into remote areas...
Nate and Ivy Cheeseman
The Cheesemans met serving the Lord at the Wycliffe headquarters in Orlando, Florida. In 2011, they accepted the call to move overseas and begin...
Paul & Jenna Boyte
Paul and Jenna, along with their two daughters, joined Wycliffe in February 2018. They are passionate about Bible Translation and heard God call...
Jim & Petey Winters
Jim is currently a Translation Consultant with Seed Company, an affiliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators. He travels internationally, mostly in...
Dorcas Day
Dorcas has served with Wycliffe through a variety of support roles, all vital to the Bible Translation task. Her passion is to reach out with the...
Kim & Annie Colich
Kim and Annie have been living and working among the Tami people since 1991. Their hope is to provide the New Testament along with the book of...
David & Naomi Coward
David and Naomi Coward are Wycliffe translators working with a local team through a local translation organization to see the Scriptures translated...
Daniel Jezowski
I have been serving in Papua New Guinea since 2008. I have been blessed to use my aviation skills to help transform lives and communities through...
Southeast woman wearing a purple shirt
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