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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


A Man With a Vision
Cameron Townsend decides to pack up and move to Guatemala to make a difference in the lives of people who didn't know Jesus.
Four Easy Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About the Bible
Scripture Engagement
One of the most important things we can do is teach children about God at a young age. And to do that, we need to get them excited about the...
God's Word Alone is Enough
Bible Translation, Scripture Engagement
A man whose life has been changed by the Word of God is exiled for his faith.
You're Not Alone
When you’re considering what it looks like to become a missionary with Wycliffe, you might have some questions and fears about the adventure...
Your Prayers Help People Get the Bible
Watch the story of 5-year-old Sam, whose faith and persistent prayers helped the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island get a Bible translation...
Still Much to Do: The Napo Quechua Bible Translation
Bible Translation, Video
A team in Peru has spent the last four years translating the New Testament so that the Napo Quechua people can understand God’s Word for...
Cycle of Support for the Akebu
Local Church Partnership
Praise God for the growing partnership between the Akebu of Togo and the people of Faith Assembly of Orlando, Florida!
God’s Heart, Your Part
God has a purpose for each of us and a part that we are meant to play in his great global mission. Watch this video and be inspired by what it...

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Hop aboard Journey 7:9 to learn more!