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God Is on the Move
Making a Difference
See how God is transforming lives now and for generations to come.


A Milestone in Missions
Bible Translation, History
Jacqueline Huggins was the first African American woman to complete a New Testament translation. Read her story to learn how God called her from...
In Memory of Dr. George Cowan
Bible Translation
Dr. George Cowan, former Bible translator and president emeritus of Wycliffe Bible Translators International, went to be with the Lord on...
Por qué traducir la Biblia
Aprenda cómo la Biblia transforma la vida de personas cuando está escrita en un lenguaje que ellos claramente pueden entender, y...
God Speaks Navajo
Bible Translation, History
Faye Edgerton spent years with the Navajos, listening and learning their language in order to work on a Bible translation. Her passion for seeing a...
The Great Message
Watch Billy Graham’s inspiring message as he challenges us to share the Gospel and join the mission to bring God’s Word to every heart.
The Greatest Missionary
Bible Translation
Cam Townsend emphasized the importance of having Scripture in one's own language. When people experience the Bible in their heart language,...
A Journey of Faith
Bible Translation, Language Development
One Person at a Time
Bible Translation
Cameron Townsend and the president of Guatemala show people the way to Jesus.

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